Pelvic Floor 101: Part 2 – Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

As mentioned in Pelvic Floor 101: Part 1, when our pelvic floor isn’t doing its job or is causing pain, it is called Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. And it comes with a variety of issues. Simply put, it can be broken down into two types: Hypertonic Pelvic Floor This is a... read more

Yoga: It Cures What Ails Ya! But Why?

Yoga* is recommended for, well, just about everything. So how can it be beneficial for whatever we are experiencing? There are a few reasons: Yoga Down-Regulates the Nervous System At its deepest, yoga affects the nervous system by toning down the side of the nervous... read more

Tailbone Tucking & Pelvic Floor Health

In modern times, our tail bone has been deemed an unnecessary and left-over part of our evolution. But it actually has a very important role: our pelvic floor muscles attach to it. How does that make it important you ask? Because how we position our tail can greatly... read more

“Alicia has been great to work with. I really enjoy our sessions and I am learning so much. She is very in tune with my goals and has been very encouraging... It truly has been a great experience overall!”

Jennifer R.